AutoExpoTehnica 2014, Auto Part, Oct 29-Nov 2, Bucharest
Posted: 09/29/2014 07:09:54 Edited: 09/29/2014 08:09:54 Clicks: 2376
Event: AutoExpoTehnica - AUTO PARTS EXHIBITION 2014
Date: October 29 - November 2, 2014
City: Bucharest Romania
Add: Romexpo Exhibition Centrer, 65-67 Marasti Blvd, 71331 Bucharest
Tel: +40 21 202 57 05
Fax: +40 21 207 7070
Industry: Transportation, Logistics, Packaging, Automobiles
Products: Auto Components & Systems, Accessories & Tunning, Maintenance and repair, IT & Management & Associations and Publications.
The Autoexpotehnica, 2014 will be a place where leading auto mobile companies will be seen participating.