Electronic Guard against Theft on Engine
Posted: 2015-03-28 03:22:19 Hits: 1679
Electronic guard against theft is a system that inlays a guard against converter inside key. When insert the key into key cylinder of ignition lock and turn to "on", electronic guard against theft ECU communicates with key through radio frequency identification. If the key is confirmed to legal, guard against theft ECU carries out password authentification with engine ECU. If the password is verified to correct, the engine is allowed to start.
1. When insert key into key cylinder of ignition lock and turn to "on", goods having strong magnetic field are not allowed exist near the key cylinder;
2. The key cannot be put under particular high or low temperature;
3. Keys should not be thrown to ground at will;
4. Don't put weights on key.
When engine cannot start, please turn the key to "ACC", turning to "ON" further, then the following should be noticed:
1. The key is legal or not.
2. Whether warning light of electronic guard against theft is twinkling at a frequency of once in two seconds. Whether indicator light of engine maintenance is twinkling at a definite frequency. If above phenomena occur, electronic guard against theft may have problems. Please contact with service stations for overhaul.
3. Guard against converter inside key is damaged or not.
4. Ignition coil is damaged or not.
There is a secrecy envelope inside user manual, containing PIN code of electronic guard against theft.
When key lost, guard against converter, guard against theft ECU or engine ECU damaged, electronic guard against theft should be matched again. Tear the envelope and tell the PIN code to service men so that they can repair engine.