Reasons Cause Carbon Deposition in Engine

Reasons Cause Carbon Deposition in Engine
Posted: 2015-04-17 03:50:16  Hits: 2174
Reasons causing carbon deposition in engine
When plungers of engine move downward, mixture of gasoline and air is inhaled into cylinders. Upward plunders compress oil has into combustible gas having high concentration. Then sparking plugs ignite and detonate combustible gas. Plugs are pushed by powerful explosive force so that engine can produce power. Mixture-the source of power must enter into combustor through inlet valve. A small part of gasoline adheres to the inlet valve. Under high temperature inside engine, due to gasoline incomplete combustion, hydrocarbons, paraffin and colloids are burned into coke. Because of pollution accumulation on injection nozzle, poor extrusive gasoline atomization and uneven mixture between gasoline and air, quantity of gasoline accumulating on inlet valve will increase. What’s more, coke has the property of absorbing gasoline. The carbon deposition can absorb gasoline. Absorbed gasoline is burned into thicker carbon deposition. Thicker carbon deposition will receive more gasoline. Inlet valve will not be closed due to over much carbon deposition and the engine will not work. 
Carbon deposition in combustor attributes to tiny carbons accumulating inside combustor without being discharged with exhaust gas in time, which is caused by colloid in gasoline and incomplete denoted hydrocarbons. Those black particles should be discharged to atmosphere along with exhaust gas or accumulate on silencing tube. Serious carbon deposition can result in temperature inside combustor rising. Gas mixture inside combustor denotes automatically when sparking plug is igniting meanwhile. Two explosions raising the pressure inside cylinders suddenly, damaging the parts inside cylinders and producing the sound just like knapping cylinder block. This is knocking. Carbon deposition inside combustor can be known from ignition end of sparking plug.    
Diagnosis methods 
Diagnosis of carbon deposition on inlet tube is quite easy. Just tearing down throttle valve can tell the situation of carbon deposition. However, diagnosing carbon deposition on air valve is quite difficult. In general, two diagnosis methods are commonly used.  
Disassemble the engine to check carbon deposition. It is quit visual while requires much time and efforts. Moreover, disassemble impacts the performance of engine and reduces its service life. 
Using endoscope
Tear down sparking plug or oil nozzle and use endoscope. Although it is convenient, endoscope has high cost and the equipment is used less. Nevertheless, only a few enterprises are equipped with endoscope. 

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