VE Pump Diesel Engine Spare Parts Technical Articles

Technical Articles
China VE Pump Parts contract manufacturer Ducoo releases technical articles about VE Pump, Diesel Engine and Spare Parts, Precision Machining technology.
  • Posted: 06/08/2014 09:06:47  Clicks: 2214
    Injection nozzle is one of precise couples of diesel engine fuel supply system. The normal working life is more than 1000 hours. But sometimes it just can be used for almost hundreds of hours or even dozens of hours because of improper use. The reasons can be:   A. The diesel is not clean. There are impuritie...
  • Posted: 05/22/2014 03:05:49  Clicks: 2059
    Single plunger type distributor VE pump was developed in the mid 1970s by Germany Company Bosch, originally based on VE type fuel injection pump and VM type pump. In 1985, German introduced J series direct injection diesel engine from Japan, which are used for Isuzu N series light trucks, collocating with Single plun...
  • Posted: 04/21/2014 09:04:49  Clicks: 2182
    A fuel filter keeps out dirt or debris particles from a vehicle's fuel line and prevents their entry into a vehicle engine. A filter that goes bad or fails to function properly can cause an assortment of abnormal engine problems. Learn to recognize the most common symptoms of a bad fuel filter to keep your car ru...
  • Posted: 04/20/2014 10:04:56  Clicks: 1735
    The fuel pump is a key component of your vehicle. It pumps fuel from the gas tank to the carburetor or fuel injection system. If it isn't working properly, neither is your vehicle. Often, if dirt or rust particles enter the fuel line, those can clog the fuel pump's filter. Vehicles with 100,000+ miles tend to...
  • Posted: 04/20/2014 10:04:52  Clicks: 1888
    The fuel injector is part of your fuel distribution system. Fuel is drawn from the fuel tank by the lift pump, and then passes through the fuel filter before being sent either to the injection pump or directly to the injectors. The diesel fuel is then sprayed into the cylinder during the intake stroke of the engine. ...
  • Posted: 04/16/2014 04:04:13  Clicks: 7829
    The information below is primarily aimed at diesel engines, since they commonly have the most smoke problems, it will also help with petrol engines and 2-stroke petrol/oil fueled engines.When it occurs, the Color of diesel engine exhaust smoke can tell you a lot about the internal condition of a diesel engine. &...
  • Posted: 04/01/2014 08:04:53  Clicks: 2624
    NO. ITEM NO. ITEM NO ITEM 1 Pump parts 41 Advance unit piston 81 protecting bush 2 Feed pump elements 42 Pendulum shaft 82 stop screw 3 ...
  • Posted: 03/28/2014 02:03:37  Clicks: 2588
    Fault Feature Reasons Elimination Methods A. Engine Starting Difficulty. 1. Incorrect fuel delivery advance angle. 2. Air exists in the fuel system. 3. Fuel filter blockage. 4. Solenoid valve malfunction. 5. Worn or stuck plunger. 6. Injection nozz...
  • Posted: 02/26/2014 12:02:21  Clicks: 2128
    VE pump is a high-pressure fuel injection pump with single plunger, and its structure is characterized by a set of fuel elements, quantitatively regularly supplying diesel fuel to each cylinder separately. VE pump is a closed entirety, which consists of pump assembly, governor, feed pump, supply oil advanced devices ...
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